To Get Started, Choose Your Product! 
Using our knowledge base can be difficult if you are unaware of what DVR you have.
For articles relevant to your DVR, click on the picture that looks most like your DVRs menu below:
If you do not see your system shown below, you can find articles for your product on the left under the "DVR Systems" or "NVR and IP Cameras" section.
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2015-03-27 10:20
New Zmodo Community Forum 
We launched our new Zmodo forum so people can connect with other Zmodo product users to get answers, tips, and tricks.
Check out the new site at!
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2014-11-13 16:54
No disk? No problem! 
It has come to our attention that some DVRs were shipped out without software discs. We apologize for the inconvenience. To download your software, please view this helpful article: CLICK HERE
More information: Software Downloads
2014-02-13 08:03