Recordark>iark>ng Resolutark>iark>ons and Qualark>iark>ty

ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="center">an style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Recordark>iark>ng Resolutark>iark>ons and Qualark>iark>tyan>ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="center"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">When ark>iark>t comes to overall qualark>iark>ty of an <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="Analog is the opposite of digital. Any technology, such as vinyl records or clocks with hands and faces, that doesn't break everything down into binary code to work is analog.">analogabbr> securark>iark>ty camera system, there are a few dark>iark>fferent varark>iark>ables that you want to look at. Recordark>iark>ng resolutark>iark>on, frame rate, ark>iark>mage sensor, and the <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="The term “TV lines” refers to the number of discernable horizontal or vertical lines on the screen. The TVL resolution refers to the FINAL resolution of the camera. 480 or greater is considered High Definition.">TVLabbr> of your cameras(and whether they are focused or not) all make up the overall qualark>iark>ty of your ark>iark>mage.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="center"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">There are four maark>iark>n recordark>iark>ng resolutark>iark>ons ark>iark>n the world of analog securark>iark>ty systems. Those resolutark>iark>ons are:ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"><abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="'960H' is a series of SONY CCD image sensors capable of capturing video images at a resolution of 976hx528v. With the use of Sony's new 960h CCD in conjuction with features from the Effio DSP, resolutions of up to 700 TVL can be achieved.">960Habbr>:  960x480ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">D1: 720x480ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">HD1: 720x240ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">Cark>Iark>F: 260x240ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">The hark>iark>gher the resolutark>iark>on ark>iark>s, the better ark>iark>mage qualark>iark>ty that ark>iark>s goark>iark>ng to be saved to the DVR's hard drark>iark>ve. Wark>iark>th the better ark>iark>mage qualark>iark>ty, you wark>iark>ll have a better chance at ark>iark>dentark>iark>fyark>iark>ng an ark>iark>ndark>iark>vark>iark>dual.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">When ark>iark>t comes to frame rates, most of our DVRs are rated for 30FPS at Cark>Iark>F resolutark>iark>on per channel. 30 frames per second ark>iark>s comparable to a normal televark>iark>sark>iark>on vark>iark>deo feed.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">Most of our DVRs are capable of recordark>iark>ng at least D1 and lower, ark>howark>ever there are some trade offs when usark>iark>ng a hark>iark>gher resolutark>iark>on. On most of our systems, when usark>iark>ng D1, your framerate ark>iark>s cut by at least half. Most of the tark>iark>me, your frame rate ark>iark>s cut by even more than half! Thark>iark>s means that whark>iark>le the resolutark>iark>on of your vark>iark>deo wark>iark>ll be clearer, you are only ark>getark>tark>iark>ng a percentage of what ark>iark>s happenark>iark>ng. Some extremely fast movements may not be notark>iark>ceable wark>iark>th the lower framerate.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">A DVR lark>iark>sted as Realtark>iark>me Full D1 ark>canark> record at D1 resolutark>iark>on and 30FPS. Some DVRs wark>iark>ll be marketed as Full D1, but because ark>iark>t doesn't say "realtark>iark>me", ark>iark>t ark>iark>s not goark>iark>ng to be able to record at 30 FPS per channel.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">There are multark>iark>ple sark>iark>zes and types of ark>iark>mage sensors. The larger the ark>iark>mage sensor ark>iark>s, the better ark>iark>t should reproduce color. Thark>iark>s means that a 1/4 ark>iark>nch ark>iark>mage sensor ark>iark>s not as good as a 1/3 ark>iark>nch ark>iark>mage sensor. As far as types go, there are CCD and <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="CMOS sensors have lower quality, lower resolution and lower sensitivity. CMOS cameras are usually less expensive and have great battery life, but the color is not accurate, displaying trees and grass in purples and pinks.">CMOSabbr>. Typark>iark>cally speakark>iark>ng, a CCD ark>iark>mage sensor ark>iark>s better than a CMOS ark>iark>mage sensor.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left">The last part of the qualark>iark>ty equatark>iark>on ark>iark>s TVL or better known as TV Lark>iark>nes. TV Lark>iark>nes are a measure of horark>iark>zontal resolutark>iark>on. The lark>iark>nes of resolutark>iark>on are too small to be able to be seen wark>iark>th the human eye. One has to use a specark>iark>al chart to be able to count the lark>iark>nes of resolutark>iark>on.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v alark>iark>gn="left"> ark>iark>v> Tags: quality, recording, Resolution
Last update:
2013-12-05 15:59
Alex Crewell
Average rating: 2.25 (4 Votes)

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