General Guark>iark>delark>iark>nes
To qualark>iark>fy for a Return Merchandark>iark>se Authorark>iark>zatark>iark>on (RMA) for eark>iark>ther a refund or repaark>iark>r of Zmodo products, all ark>iark>tems requark>iark>re an RMA number prark>iark>or to beark>iark>ng returned. Products must be 100% complete, ark>iark>n the same condark>iark>tark>iark>on as when sold, and ark>iark>n the orark>iark>gark>iark>nal packagark>iark>ng as provark>iark>ded by the manufacturer. All packark>iark>ng materark>iark>als, manuals, CDs, and other accessorark>iark>es and documentatark>iark>on must be ark>iark>ncluded. Kark>iark>ts and other ark>iark>tems assembled after purchase must be unassembled and returned ark>iark>n the manufacturer's orark>iark>gark>iark>nal packagark>iark>ng. All returns wark>iark>ll be ark>iark>nspected and products found to be non-conformark>iark>ng wark>iark>ll be rejected or subject to a 15% restockark>iark>ng fee at Zmodo's sole dark>iark>scretark>iark>on.
Non-qualark>iark>fark>iark>ed and non-conformark>iark>ng returns are not ark>iark>ncluded ark>iark>n Zmodo RMA polark>iark>cy and, ark>iark>f returned, wark>iark>ll be rejected or subject to a restockark>iark>ng fee of up to 15% at Zmodo's sole dark>iark>scretark>iark>on. ark>Iark>f the non-qualark>iark>fark>iark>ed or non-conformark>iark>ng package ark>iark>s rejected, the party who returned the ark>iark>tem(s) wark>iark>ll be bark>iark>lled for return shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng cost of the ark>iark>tem(s).
Receark>iark>vark>iark>ng Procedure
All returned products wark>iark>ll be thoroughly ark>iark>nspected and a determark>iark>natark>iark>on wark>iark>ll be made ark>iark>f elark>iark>gark>iark>bark>iark>lark>iark>ty and conformark>iark>ng requark>iark>rements are met. Please verark>iark>fy the product you are returnark>iark>ng meets the guark>iark>delark>iark>nes below and qualark>iark>fark>iark>es for return to avoark>iark>d any delay or denark>iark>al of processark>iark>ng your return. ark>Iark>f a non-conformark>iark>ng product ark>iark>s accepted for return Zmodo reserves the rark>iark>ght to charge a restockark>iark>ng fee up to 15% at Zmodo's sole dark>iark>scretark>iark>on. Return processark>iark>ng may take up to 5 busark>iark>ness days from the tark>iark>me your product ark>iark>s receark>iark>ved.
ark>Iark>nspectark>iark>on Crark>iark>terark>iark>a
Products must be ark>iark>n the orark>iark>gark>iark>nal manufacturers packagark>iark>ng, and shark>iark>pped securely.
Products must be complete wark>iark>th any standard certark>iark>fark>iark>catark>iark>on labels (UL lark>iark>stark>iark>ng, capacark>iark>ty, brand name, UPC code) orark>iark>gark>iark>nally placed and not tampered wark>iark>th.
Products must be free of any permanent alteratark>iark>ons ark>iark>ncludark>iark>ng, but not lark>iark>mark>iark>ted to paark>iark>nt, altered connectark>iark>on ark>iark>nputs, severed wark>iark>res or cables, or ark>iark>ndark>iark>catark>iark>on of removed screws/fasteners or seals.
Products must be free from damage of any type, ark>iark>ncludark>iark>ng, but not lark>iark>mark>iark>ted to dents, scratches, cracks, abuse, defacement or damage resultark>iark>ng from power surges.
Products so labeled wark>iark>th a securark>iark>ty seal, must have the seal ark>iark>ntact and not tampered wark>iark>th.
Cross Shark>iark>pment
ark>Iark>n the event that a replacement product ark>iark>s needed ark>iark>mmedark>iark>ately, a cross-shark>iark>pment optark>iark>on ark>iark>s avaark>iark>lable ark>iark>f the orark>iark>gark>iark>nal purchase date took place wark>iark>thark>iark>n 6 months prark>iark>or to the cross-shark>iark>pment request.
Requestark>iark>ng thark>iark>s optark>iark>on ark>iark>mplark>iark>es that the customer has the defectark>iark>ve part and wark>iark>ll shark>iark>p them back to Zmodo wark>iark>thark>iark>n 25 calendar days of the shark>iark>p date of the replacement product. The customer wark>iark>ll be asked to secure the return by provark>iark>dark>iark>ng a credark>iark>t card. There wark>iark>ll be a 25-day cross-authorark>iark>zatark>iark>on placed on the card equal to the lark>iark>st prark>iark>ce of the ark>iark>tem beark>iark>ng shark>iark>pped. When the cross-authorark>iark>zatark>iark>on ark>iark>s placed on the credark>iark>t card, the customer wark>iark>ll see an approxark>iark>mate 48-hour hold for the amount equal to the lark>iark>st prark>iark>ce ark>iark>f the ark>iark>tem(s) beark>iark>ng exchanged. After the ark>iark>nark>iark>tark>iark>al 48-hour hold expark>iark>res, the customer should see no charge placed on the credark>iark>t card unless the RMA ark>iark>tems are not returned to Zmodo wark>iark>thark>iark>n 25 calendar days. Should 25 days and the orark>iark>gark>iark>nal product ark>iark>s not yet receark>iark>ved by Zmodo, we wark>iark>ll charge the full amount that was authorark>iark>zed on the credark>iark>t card. Subject to avaark>iark>labark>iark>lark>iark>ty, Zmodo wark>iark>ll shark>iark>p product on the same day the RMA ark>iark>s generated.
Mark>iark>ssark>iark>ng Parts Procedure
ark>Iark>n the event that your order arrark>iark>ved ark>iark>ncomplete, and the trackark>iark>ng ark>iark>ndark>iark>cates that your order was shark>iark>pped from the Zmodo warehouse ark>iark>n central ark>Iark>llark>iark>noark>iark>s; Zmodo may requark>iark>re ark>iark>mage confark>iark>rmatark>iark>on at our dark>iark>scretark>iark>on before replacements for any mark>iark>ssark>iark>ng parts are shark>iark>pped out.
ark>Iark>f your order ark>iark>ncluded a DVR wark>iark>th a Hard Dark>iark>sk Drark>iark>ve ark>iark>ncluded, and a Hard Dark>iark>sk Drark>iark>ve was not ark>iark>nstalled ark>iark>n the DVR that you receark>iark>ved, Zmodo may ask for ark>iark>mage confark>iark>rmatark>iark>on before exchangark>iark>ng the DVR you’ve receark>iark>ved wark>iark>th a DVR that has a Hard Dark>iark>sk Drark>iark>ve ark>iark>nstalled.
ark>Iark>f your order was not delark>iark>vered or ark>iark>f your order arrark>iark>ved damaged, please contact Zmodo customer support so that we ark>canark> fark>iark>le a claark>iark>m wark>iark>th the carrark>iark>er servark>iark>ce we used to shark>iark>p your order. ark>Iark>n the event that your order arrark>iark>ved damaged or ark>iark>ncomplete due to external damage, please keep all ark>iark>nterark>iark>or and exterark>iark>or packagark>iark>ng as thark>iark>s ark>iark>s needed when we fark>iark>le the shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng claark>iark>m.
Mark>iark>ssark>iark>ng Parts Procedure for ark>Iark>nternatark>iark>onal Customers
ark>Iark>n the event that an order ark>iark>s shark>iark>pped to an ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal locatark>iark>on and that order ark>iark>s eark>iark>ther ark>iark>ncomplete or ark>iark>ncludark>iark>ng any ark>iark>ncorrect ark>iark>tems ark>iark>n lark>iark>eu of correct ark>iark>tems, the customer wark>iark>ll be responsark>iark>ble for arrangark>iark>ng that the correct ark>iark>tem(s) be shark>iark>pped to the ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal locatark>iark>on. ark>Iark>t ark>iark>s the customer’s responsark>iark>bark>iark>lark>iark>ty to shark>iark>p the ark>iark>ncorrect ark>iark>tem(s) to the Zmodo locatark>iark>on that ark>iark>s detaark>iark>led ark>iark>n the RMA ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on. Zmodo wark>iark>ll reark>iark>mburse the customer for all ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal return shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng costs pendark>iark>ng the acquark>iark>sark>iark>tark>iark>on of theark>iark>r shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng receark>iark>pt ark>iark>ndark>iark>catark>iark>ng the exact cost to shark>iark>p the defectark>iark>ve ark>iark>tem(s) ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onally.
Return Shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng
For your protectark>iark>on, we recommend that you ark>iark>nsure your return and use a traceable carrark>iark>er that ark>canark> provark>iark>de you wark>iark>th delark>iark>very confark>iark>rmatark>iark>on. Zmodo shall not be responsark>iark>ble for ark>iark>tems returned that are lost or damaged ark>iark>n transark>iark>t. Postage and handlark>iark>ng charges, both to and from our warehouse wark>iark>ll be paark>iark>d by the customer, and are non-refundable. At our dark>iark>scretark>iark>on, Zmodo may reark>iark>mburse shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng charges related to the return or exchange of defectark>iark>ve products ark>iark>nsark>iark>de the U.S. only.
Return Shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng for ark>Iark>nternatark>iark>onal RMAs for Repaark>iark>r
ark>Iark>n the event that ark>iark>tem(s) become defectark>iark>ve wark>iark>thark>iark>n the one year manufacturer’s warranty and the ark>iark>tem(s) are located outsark>iark>de of the Unark>iark>ted States, ark>iark>t ark>iark>s the customer’s responsark>iark>bark>iark>lark>iark>ty to shark>iark>p the defectark>iark>ve ark>iark>tem(s) to the Zmodo locatark>iark>on that ark>iark>s detaark>iark>led ark>iark>n the RMA ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on. Zmodo wark>iark>ll only shark>iark>p RMA returns to the USA and ark>Canark>ada. At our dark>iark>scretark>iark>on, we may reark>iark>mburse the customer for ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng costs ark>iark>n the form of store credark>iark>t.
ark>Iark>f the returned ark>iark>tem(s) are tested and found to be non-defectark>iark>ve by the certark>iark>fark>iark>ed Zmodo RMA technark>iark>cark>iark>ans, the customer wark>iark>ll not be reark>iark>mbursed but ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal return shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng costs. The customer wark>iark>ll be responsark>iark>ble for arrangark>iark>ng shark>iark>pment of the returned non-defectark>iark>ve ark>iark>tems from the US to theark>iark>r ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal locatark>iark>on.
ark>Iark>f the returned ark>iark>tem(s) are tested and found to be defectark>iark>ve by the certark>iark>fark>iark>ed Zmodo RMA technark>iark>cark>iark>ans, the customer wark>iark>ll be reark>iark>mbursed for all costs of return ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng ark>iark>n the form of store credark>iark>t. The customer wark>iark>ll be responsark>iark>ble for arrangark>iark>ng shark>iark>pment of the returned defectark>iark>ve ark>iark>tem(s) from the US to the customer’s ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal locatark>iark>on.
ark>Iark>n the event that we decark>iark>de to ark>iark>ssue store credark>iark>t to a customer to reark>iark>mburse for the cost of return ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onal shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng, the customer must provark>iark>de a copy of theark>iark>r shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng receark>iark>pt ark>iark>ndark>iark>catark>iark>ng the exact cost to shark>iark>p the defectark>iark>ve ark>iark>tem(s) ark>iark>nternatark>iark>onally.
Under no cark>iark>rcumstances ark>iark>s Zmodo able to reark>iark>mburse any Customs and/or Duty tax fees that are enacted by the shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng carrark>iark>er.
Refund Polark>iark>cy for Zmodo Purchases
Unless otherwark>iark>se specark>iark>fark>iark>ed ark>iark>n the ark>iark>tem lark>iark>stark>iark>ng on our websark>iark>te, on the receark>iark>pt or packark>iark>ng slark>iark>p, or ark>iark>n the terms agreement, Zmodo wark>iark>ll accept qualark>iark>fark>iark>ed and conformark>iark>ng products for refund wark>iark>thark>iark>n 30 days of the orark>iark>gark>iark>nal purchase date.
Refund Polark>iark>cy for Retaark>iark>l Purchases
ark>Iark>n order to return any number of Zmodo ark>iark>tems for refund, please contact the sales venue where these ark>iark>tem(s) were orark>iark>gark>iark>nally purchased from and request to send your product(s) back for a refund. Most vendors who offer Zmodo products wark>iark>ll offer a 30 day refund optark>iark>on, ark>howark>ever thark>iark>s ark>iark>s subject to the specark>iark>fark>iark>c polark>iark>cy of the sales vendor that the product(s) were purchased from. Please refer to the return polark>iark>cy of the orark>iark>gark>iark>nal store or vendor that you purchased your Zmodo products from for specark>iark>fark>iark>c return polark>iark>cy ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on.
Upgrade or Exchange Procedure
ark>Iark>f the ark>iark>tem(s) that you have purchased do not functark>iark>on to your satark>iark>sfactark>iark>on or do not apply to your ark>iark>nstallatark>iark>on applark>iark>catark>iark>on, please contact the sales venue ark>iark>n whark>iark>ch the ark>iark>tem was orark>iark>gark>iark>nally purchased from and request a refund for any ark>iark>tem(s) that you wark>iark>sh to return. Zmodo ark>iark>s unable to exchange any ark>iark>tem for an ark>iark>tem of a dark>iark>fferent type unless the followark>iark>ng cark>iark>rcumstance applark>iark>es:
1. An ark>iark>tem ark>iark>s returned to Zmodo for repaark>iark>r under the manufacturer’s one year warranty perark>iark>od and that same ark>iark>tem was found to be defectark>iark>ve and un-repaark>iark>rable by certark>iark>fark>iark>ed Zmodo RMA technark>iark>cark>iark>ans.
2. That same ark>iark>tem ark>iark>s out of stock at the tark>iark>me that ark>iark>t was returned to Zmodo and tested by certark>iark>fark>iark>ed RMA technark>iark>cark>iark>ans.
Should the descrark>iark>bed cark>iark>rcumstance dark>iark>rectly apply, Zmodo wark>iark>ll offer at ark>iark>ts sole dark>iark>scretark>iark>on, eark>iark>ther a varark>iark>ety of optark>iark>ons for an ark>iark>tem substark>iark>tutark>iark>on, an ark>iark>tem upgrade, a refund for the lark>iark>st prark>iark>ce of the ark>iark>rreplaceable ark>iark>tem, or store credark>iark>t for the lark>iark>st prark>iark>ce of the ark>iark>rreplaceable ark>iark>tem.
Lark>iark>mark>iark>tatark>iark>ons of Warranty
Thark>iark>s warranty does not ark>iark>nclude non-Zmodo ark>iark>nstalled components. Thark>iark>s lark>iark>mark>iark>ted warranty does not cover any damage to the product that results from abnormal mechanark>iark>cal or envark>iark>ronmental condark>iark>tark>iark>ons, abuse, accark>iark>dent, ark>iark>mproper ark>iark>nstallatark>iark>on, mark>iark>suse, ark>iark>nsuffark>iark>cark>iark>ent or excessark>iark>ve electrark>iark>cal supply, natural dark>iark>saster, or any unauthorark>iark>zed dark>iark>sassembly, repaark>iark>r, or modark>iark>fark>iark>catark>iark>on. Thark>iark>s lark>iark>mark>iark>ted warranty also does not apply to any product on whark>iark>ch the orark>iark>gark>iark>nal product label and or UPC ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on has been altered, oblark>iark>terated or removed, has not been handled or packaged correctly, has been sold as second-hand, or has been resold contrary to US export regulatark>iark>ons.
Thark>iark>s lark>iark>mark>iark>ted warranty covers only replacements for defectark>iark>ve Zmodo products, as descrark>iark>bed above. Zmodo does not cover under warranty and ark>iark>s not lark>iark>able for any loss of data or any costs assocark>iark>ated wark>iark>th dark>iark>agnosark>iark>ng the source of system problems or ark>iark>nstallark>iark>ng, removark>iark>ng or servark>iark>cark>iark>ng Zmodo products. Thark>iark>s warranty excludes 3rd party software, connected equark>iark>pment or stored data. ark>Iark>n the event of a claark>iark>m, Zmodo's sole oblark>iark>gatark>iark>on shall be to replace our product wark>iark>th ark>iark>ts equark>iark>valent or the best possark>iark>ble substark>iark>tute.
Under no cark>iark>rcumstances shall Zmodo be lark>iark>able ark>iark>n any way to the user for damages, ark>iark>ncludark>iark>ng any lost profark>iark>ts, lost savark>iark>ngs or other ark>iark>ncark>iark>dental or consequentark>iark>al damages arark>iark>sark>iark>ng out of the use of, or ark>iark>nabark>iark>lark>iark>ty to use the Zmodo products. Zmodo reserves the rark>iark>ght to revark>iark>se or update ark>iark>ts products, software, or documentatark>iark>on ark>iark>n keepark>iark>ng wark>iark>th technologark>iark>cal advances wark>iark>thout oblark>iark>gatark>iark>on to notark>iark>fy any ark>iark>ndark>iark>vark>iark>dual or entark>iark>ty.
Technark>iark>cal Support and <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="Firmware is a software program or set of instructions programmed and stored in the flash ROM of a hardware device. It provides the necessary instructions for how the device communicates with the other computer hardware.">fark>iark>rmwareabbr> upgrades for Zmodo products are restrark>iark>cted to the country/regark>iark>on of purchase. Please refer to ark>iark>n order to contact us to clarark>iark>fy any concerns wark>iark>th the warranty.
ark>iark>v>an style="font-weight: bold;">RMA Status Defark>iark>nark>iark>tark>iark>ons:an>
New RMA– The RMA has just been created and needs to be changed to the approprark>iark>ate status ark>iark>n order to proceed wark>iark>th the RMA process. A Zmodo agent wark>iark>ll update the status wark>iark>thark>iark>n the next busark>iark>ness day.
Waark>iark>tark>iark>ng for Return– A Zmodo agent has approved the RMA, and the RMA department ark>iark>s currently awaark>iark>tark>iark>ng the return of the merchandark>iark>se. The clark>iark>ent should have receark>iark>ved an emaark>iark>l wark>iark>th the return shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng address.
Tech Tark>iark>cket– A Zmodo agent has determark>iark>ned that addark>iark>tark>iark>onal phone troubleshootark>iark>ng may be necessary before any ark>iark>tems are approved for return to the manufacturer.
Waark>iark>tark>iark>ng Shark>iark>pment– Some or all ark>iark>tems regardark>iark>ng the RMA are approved to be shark>iark>pped out to the clark>iark>ent. ark>Iark>tems wark>iark>ll be shark>iark>pped wark>iark>thark>iark>n the next busark>iark>ness day.
Rtag Requark>iark>red– A Zmodo agent has requested that a pre-paark>iark>d shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng label be emaark>iark>led to the clark>iark>ent so that the clark>iark>ent wark>iark>ll not need to pay for any return shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng. A RMA agent wark>iark>ll eark>iark>ther approve or deny thark>iark>s request based on elark>iark>gark>iark>bark>iark>lark>iark>ty. ark>Iark>f the pre-paark>iark>d shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng label ark>iark>s approved.The clark>iark>ent wark>iark>ll receark>iark>ve an emaark>iark>l wark>iark>th a pre-paark>iark>d shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng label attached.
Cross-Authorark>iark>zatark>iark>on– A Zmodo agent has approved a preemptark>iark>ve replacement by placark>iark>ng a hold authorark>iark>zatark>iark>on on the clark>iark>ent’s credark>iark>t card for the value of ark>iark>tems beark>iark>ng exchanged. The replacement ark>iark>tem(s) wark>iark>ll be shark>iark>pped wark>iark>thark>iark>n the next busark>iark>ness day.
RMA Receark>iark>ved– The Zmodo RMA department has receark>iark>ved ark>iark>tems that have been returned by the clark>iark>ent for repaark>iark>r or refund.
RMA-Testark>iark>ng– The RMA technark>iark>cark>iark>ans have begun testark>iark>ng on the returned ark>iark>tem(s). The RMA status wark>iark>ll update after testark>iark>ng ark>iark>s fark>iark>nark>iark>shed.
RMA-Tested– The RMA technark>iark>cark>iark>ans have completed all necessary testark>iark>ng for the returned ark>iark>tem(s), and are contark>iark>nuark>iark>ng to process the RMA accordark>iark>ngly. The RMA wark>iark>ll be updated further wark>iark>thark>iark>n the next busark>iark>ness day.
Waark>iark>t-More ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on Needed– Thark>iark>s status ark>iark>mplark>iark>es that the RMA department requark>iark>res addark>iark>tark>iark>onal ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on from the clark>iark>ent ark>iark>n order to proceed wark>iark>th the RMA. Zmodo customer support wark>iark>ll utark>iark>lark>iark>ze thark>iark>s status after a notark>iark>fark>iark>catark>iark>on message has been sent to the clark>iark>ent ark>iark>ndark>iark>catark>iark>ng that addark>iark>tark>iark>onal ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on ark>iark>s needed ark>iark>n order to proceed wark>iark>th the RMA.
Waark>iark>t Compete-Defark>iark>ne Results– The RMA department has receark>iark>ved all necessary ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on, and ark>iark>s contark>iark>nuark>iark>ng to process the RMA accordark>iark>ngly. The RMA wark>iark>ll be updated further wark>iark>thark>iark>n the next busark>iark>ness day.
Need More Actark>iark>on– Thark>iark>s status ark>iark>mplark>iark>es that RMA department requark>iark>res addark>iark>tark>iark>onal ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on from Zmodo Customer Support agents. Thark>iark>s status wark>iark>ll typark>iark>cally apply to RMAs that are dependent on the outcome of shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng claark>iark>ms.
Pendark>iark>ng Refund– All ark>iark>tems returned for refund have been checked ark>iark>n and tested, the RMA has been passed to the refund operator to determark>iark>ne refund elark>iark>gark>iark>bark>iark>lark>iark>ty and calculate the refund amount.
Approved Refund– All ark>iark>tems returned for refund have been approved for refund, and the refund operator wark>iark>ll calculate the exact refund amount and ark>iark>ssue the refund wark>iark>thark>iark>n the next busark>iark>ness day.
Refunded– The refund operator has ark>iark>ssued the refund, and the clark>iark>ent should have receark>iark>ved an emaark>iark>l statark>iark>ng the exact refund amount. The may take up to 4 busark>iark>ness days to be posted ark>iark>n the clark>iark>ent’s bank statement.
Packark>iark>ng– A shark>iark>ppark>iark>ng label has been created for ark>iark>tems that are to be shark>iark>pped to the clark>iark>ent. ark>Iark>tems to be shark>iark>pped to the clark>iark>ent wark>iark>ll depart from the manufacturer wark>iark>thark>iark>n one busark>iark>ness day.
Park>iark>ckark>iark>ng-Lark>iark>ne*- The ark>iark>tems to be shark>iark>pped to the clark>iark>ent are beark>iark>ng packaged, and the lark>iark>ne number descrark>iark>bes whark>iark>ch sectark>iark>on ark>iark>n the warehouse ark>iark>s the package beark>iark>ng prepared for shark>iark>pment.
Shark>iark>pped– The ark>iark>tems to be shark>iark>pped to the clark>iark>ent have eark>iark>ther already departed the manufacturer or are on a loadark>iark>ng dock awaark>iark>tark>iark>ng a park>iark>ckup from FedEx or UPS. ark>Iark>tems to be shark>iark>pped to the clark>iark>ent wark>iark>ll typark>iark>cally depart from the manufacturer wark>iark>thark>iark>n one busark>iark>ness day after the status ark>iark>s updated to "Shark>iark>pped.”
Tags: broken, cracked, damaged, defective, dented, missing, Policies, Return, RMA, scratched, scuffed