ark>Howark> to Request a Product Repaark>iark>r or Replacement Under the Manufacturer's Warranty.

ark>Iark>f you have reason to belark>iark>eve any of your equark>iark>pment that ark>iark>s stark>iark>ll covered under warranty may be defectark>iark>ve, then you'll need to gather some ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on before callark>iark>ng technark>iark>cal support just ark>iark>n case they recommend that you send any equark>iark>pment back for repaark>iark>r.

Thark>iark>s vark>iark>deo descrark>iark>bes ark>howark> to request a warranty repaark>iark>r for a Zmodo product:

<ark>iark>frame style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" frameborder="0" wark>iark>dth="425" heark>iark>ght="350">ark>iark>frame>

ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v>Each DVR unark>iark>t comes wark>iark>th a warranty card ark>iark>n the manual, ark>howark>ever you do not need to fark>iark>ll out thark>iark>s warranty card or maark>iark>l ark>iark>t anywhere.  We only requark>iark>re that you upload a copy of your orark>iark>gark>iark>nal purchase receark>iark>pt ark>iark>n the RMA form.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v>ark>Iark>n order to request a product replacement or repaark>iark>r under warranty, fark>iark>rst go to <a tark>iark>tle="" href="">>  From thark>iark>s page, read the return regulatark>iark>ons then clark>iark>ck "Sark>howark> me the form"ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v><ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="1026" heark>iark>ght="929" />ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v>All sectark>iark>ons of the form need to be completed ark>iark>n order for your warranty return to be processed, ark>howark>ever the most ark>iark>mportant part of the form ark>iark>s the bottom sectark>iark>on where you have the optark>iark>on to attach a fark>iark>le.  Please be sure to attach a copy of your orark>iark>gark>iark>nal ark>iark>nvoark>iark>ce or purchase receark>iark>pt because we are unable to ark>iark>ssue a warranty repaark>iark>r or replacement wark>iark>thout a copy of the orark>iark>gark>iark>nal purchase receark>iark>pt.ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> ark>iark>v> Tags: broke, defective, Repair, replacement, RMA, Warranty
Last update:
2014-09-17 10:28
Alex Crewell
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