NVR IP Cameras Fail to Populate Wi-Fi Information

If you are trying to set up one of your cameras on the Wireless network and you get an "Operation Failed” message when you go to the WiFi options of the camera, this is what you can do:


Unplug your camera, wait 5 seconds and power it back on.

Open up the IPC Search tool provided in your disk that came with the NVR kit.

Hit the refresh button. Double click on one of the cameras.

If you go to the "WiFi” Tab right away without changing anything in the "Networking” tab first, it will most likely fail.


The changes you have to make on the "Networking” tab will depend on the Subnet values of your Network (I.e the Ip address of the camera cannot be if your Subnet starts with 192.168.1..).


The gateway of the camera must match the gateway’s IP address that shows in your command prompt window (refer to the NVR Quick Setup Guide: Here)


After making this changes, proceed to click on "Save”, close the window, and hit the "Refresh” button on your IPC search tool. Your camera will populate with the new IP address and gateway you have assigned to it (please be aware that it might take a few seconds for the camera to show up after the change).


If you double click on the camera again and select the "WiFi” tab, it will not fail to populate anymore. Now you are ready to set up your camera on the wireless! Please refer to the following article as your next step: Here


Tags: NVR, setup, wifi
Last update:
2013-12-05 13:40
Alex Crewell
Average rating: 1 (2 Votes)

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