ZMODO Zvark>iark>ewer Androark>iark>d OS Mobark>iark>le Applark>iark>catark>iark>on ark>Iark>nstructark>iark>ons
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 24pt; font-weight: bold;">ZMODO Zvark>iark>ewer for Androark>iark>d OSan>ark>iark>v>
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 24pt; font-weight: bold;">
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 24pt; font-weight: bold;"> <ark>iark>frame title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" wark>iark>dth="480" heark>iark>ght="390">ark>iark>frame>
ark>iark>v style="text-align: left;">
an style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">1. an style="font-size: 14pt;">Softwarean> ark>Iark>nstallatark>iark>onan>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">1.1 ark>Iark>ntroductark>iark>onan>an style="font-weight: bold;">
an style="font-size: 14pt;"> an style="font-size: 12pt;">ZMODO Zvark>iark>ewer for Androark>iark>d ark>iark>s a mobark>iark>le app used to stream lark>iark>ve vark>iark>deo from your ZMODO <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="H.264 is a standard for video compression, and is currently one of the most commonly used formats for the recording, compression, and distribution of high definition video.">H.264abbr> DVR or ark>Iark>P <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="Two or more computers connected to each other to enable the sharing of files and information between multiple systems. The Internet could be described as a global network of networks.">Networkabbr> Camera, and supports a four channel sark>iark>multaneous lark>iark>ve vark>iark>ew. Thark>iark>s guark>iark>de focuses on the ark>iark>nstallatark>iark>on and use of the applark>iark>catark>iark>>an>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">1.2 Requark>iark>rementsan>
an style="font-size: 12pt;">Hardware: Androark>iark>d OS Mobark>iark>le Phonean>
an style="font-size: 12pt;"> System: Androark>iark>d 2.2 and above
Network: <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="Short for "Wireless Fidelity." Wi-Fi refers to wireless networking technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal. Wi-Fi is the standard way computers connect to wireless networks. ">Wark>iark>Fark>iark>abbr> or GPRS
an style="font-weight: bold;">1.3 ark>Iark>nstallatark>iark>on Stepsan>
From your Androark>iark>d devark>iark>ce: Access <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="Google is the world's most popular search engine. It began as a search project in 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and in only a short time, Google became the number one search engine in the world.">Googleabbr> Play, and download Zvark>iark>ewer.
From a computer: Go to: <a href="">>, and download Zvark>iark>ewer. Connect your phone to the computer, copy the contents of thark>iark>s fark>iark>le to your phone's SD card, and ark>iark>nstall as prompted.
an style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt;">2. Operatark>iark>on ark>Iark>nstructark>iark>onsan>
an style="font-weight: bold;">2.1 Openark>iark>ng Programan>an>
ark>iark>v style="margin-left: 40px;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">Locate the Zvark>iark>ewer applark>iark>catark>iark>on and tap to launch. Once the applark>iark>catark>iark>on loads, you wark>iark>ll see the maark>iark>n ark>iark>>ark>iark>v>
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;"><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" />ark>iark>v>
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">Startan>ark>iark>v>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">2.2 Connectark>iark>ng to Devark>iark>ce
ark>iark>v style="margin-left: 40px;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">1) From the maark>iark>n ark>iark>nterface, tap the SETTark>Iark>NG button on the bottom left of the toolbar to enter the Devark>iark>ce Lark>iark>st ark>iark>nterface;
2) ark>Iark>f there are no devark>iark>ces added, you wark>iark>ll be prompted wark>iark>th "an style="font-style: italic;">No devark>iark>ce, please addan> " (See No Devark>iark>ce);
3) Tap ADD NEW DEVark>Iark>CE at the bottom to enter the devark>iark>ce ark>iark>nformatark>iark>on;
4) Enter a name for the DVR, ark>iark>ts ark>Iark>P address, port number, username, password, and number of channels, then tap OK to save your changes (See Devark>iark>ce Add);
5) To delete or alter a devark>iark>ce, long-press on the desark>iark>red devark>iark>ce (See Devark>iark>ce Edark>iark>t);
6) To return to the maark>iark>n page wark>iark>thout makark>iark>ng any changes, tap ark>CANark>CEL.
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 12pt;"><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" />an><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" />
an style="font-size: 12pt;">No Devark>iark>ce Devark>iark>ce Addan>
<ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" />
an style="font-size: 12pt;">Devark>iark>ce Edark>iark>tan>ark>iark>v>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">
2.3 Playark>iark>ng Vark>iark>deo
ark>iark>v style="margin-left: 40px;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">1) From the maark>iark>n page, tap any channel's play wark>iark>ndow; an orange order wark>iark>ll surround the chosen channel;
2) Tap the START button at the bottom of the toolbar to play the vark>iark>deo (See Play); ark>iark>f you see a pop-up prompt statark>iark>ng "please connect to devark>iark>ces", make sure you have followed all ark>iark>nstructark>iark>ons lark>iark>sted ark>iark>n Sec 2.2;
3) To stop streamark>iark>ng, tap the STOP button at the bottom of the toolbar.
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 12pt;"><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" />an>
an style="font-size: 12pt;">Playan>ark>iark>v>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">
an>2.4 Swark>iark>tchark>iark>ng Devark>iark>ces
ark>iark>v style="margin-left: 40px;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">1) From the maark>iark>n page, tap the SETTark>Iark>NG button on the bottom toolbar to enter the devark>iark>ce lark>iark>st (See Devark>iark>ce Lark>iark>st), or long-press the channel you would lark>iark>ke to change;
2) Tap on the desark>iark>red DVR to open a pop-up channel lark>iark>st (See Channel Lark>iark>st);
3) Tap on the desark>iark>red channel from the pop-up channel lark>iark>st; the program wark>iark>ll automatark>iark>cally <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="A switch is used to network multiple computers together. Switches made for the consumer market are typically small, flat boxes with 4 to 8 Ethernet ports. These ports can connect to computers, cable or DSL modems, and other switches.">swark>iark>tchabbr> back to the maark>iark>n page, and play thark>iark>s channel's vark>iark>deo.
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 12pt;"><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" /><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" /> an>
an style="font-size: 12pt;">Devark>iark>ce Lark>iark>st Channel Lark>iark>stan>ark>iark>v>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">
2.5 Swark>iark>tchark>iark>ng Channels
ark>iark>v style="margin-left: 40px;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">1) Wark>iark>th the desark>iark>red screen selected wark>iark>th the orange outlark>iark>ne, tap CH at the bottom of the toolbar to reveal the channel selectark>iark>on buttons (See Channel);
2) Select the channel you would lark>iark>ke to play; swark>iark>park>iark>ng your fark>iark>nger across the bar wark>iark>ll reveal addark>iark>tark>iark>onal channels;
3) Tap the RETURN button to hark>iark>de the CH toolbar and return to the normal toolbar.
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 12pt;"><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" /> an>
an style="font-size: 12pt;">Channelan>ark>iark>v>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">
2.6 Swark>iark>tchark>iark>ng Dark>iark>splay Modes
ark>iark>v style="margin-left: 40px;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">1) Double tap the desark>iark>red channel to swark>iark>tch between four channel vark>iark>ews and sark>iark>ngle channel vark>iark>ews;
2) Swark>iark>tch between portraark>iark>t and landscape vark>iark>ews by turnark>iark>ng your phone horark>iark>zontally or vertark>iark>cally (See Portraark>iark>t, Landscape). When vark>iark>ewark>iark>ng ark>iark>n Landscape mode, all functark>iark>onal buttons wark>iark>ll be hark>iark>dden.
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">an style="font-size: 12pt;"><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" /> an>
an style="font-size: 12pt;">Portraark>iark>t
<ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" />
an style="font-size: 12pt;">Landscapean>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">
2.7 <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="PTZ is an abbreviation for pan (left and right), tilt (up and down), and zoom (in and out) and reflects the movement options of the camera.">PTZabbr> Control
ark>iark>v style="margin-left: 40px;">an style="font-size: 12pt;">1) Double tap on the channel you would lark>iark>ke to control to maxark>iark>mark>iark>ze the screen;
2) To reveal the PTZ toolbar ark>iark>f ark>iark>t ark>iark>s not up already, tap PTZ (See PTZ);
3) On the top row, the buttons from left to rark>iark>ght sark>iark>gnark>iark>fy: tark>iark>lt up, pan left, zoom ark>iark>n, aperture ark>iark>ncrease, focal length ark>iark>ncrease. On the bottom row, the buttons from left to rark>iark>ght sark>iark>gnark>iark>fy: tark>iark>lt down, pan rark>iark>ght, zoom out, aperture decrease, focal length decrease;
4) To hark>iark>de the PTZ toolbar, tap PTZ.
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;"><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" /><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" />
an style="font-size: 12pt;">PTZan>ark>iark>v>
an style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">
2.8 ark>Iark>mage Capturean>
an style="font-size: 12pt;"> ark>Iark>n portraark>iark>t mode, select a vark>iark>deo, and tap the SCREENSHOT button at the bottom rark>iark>ght corner of the toolbar. The fark>iark>le wark>iark>ll save to the SD Card/zvark>iark>ewer dark>iark>>
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;"><ark>iark>mg tark>iark>tle="" src="" alt="" />
an style="font-size: 12pt;">Capturean>ark>iark>v>
ark>iark>v style="margin-left: 40px; font-weight: bold;">
ark>iark>v style="text-align: center;">
ark>iark>v style="text-align: left;"> ark>iark>v>
Tags: app, cell, mobile, phone, viewing
- Last update:
- 2014-04-11 10:18
- Author:
- Alex Crewell
- Revision:
- 1.1
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