ark>Howark> do ark>Iark> set my SBN 4/8/6 or SAN 4/8 to record all the tark>iark>me?

These ark>iark>nstructark>iark>ons wark>iark>ll set constant recordark>iark>ng on all channels based on the settark>iark>ngs the DVR has out of the box.

WARNark>Iark>NG: When fark>iark>rst settark>iark>ng up your DVR be sure to format your hard-drark>iark>ve before settark>iark>ng up recordark>iark>ng.  Your DVR wark>iark>ll not be able to record untark>iark>l doark>iark>ng so. <a href="/index.php?action=artikel&cat=2&id=257&artlang=en">Clark>iark>ck Herea> for dark>iark>rectark>iark>ons on ark>howark> to do so.

Note: Navark>iark>gatark>iark>ng through the DVR ark>iark>s most easark>iark>ly accomplark>iark>shed wark>iark>th the mouse that came wark>iark>th ark>iark>t.

After the DVR has booted up rark>iark>ght clark>iark>ck the mouse ark>iark>n order to log ark>iark>n. The default password ark>iark>s eark>iark>ther 111111 or 888888.
<ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="800" heark>iark>ght="600" />


After loggark>iark>ng ark>iark>n rark>iark>ght clark>iark>ck the mouse 2 tark>iark>mes to brark>iark>ng up the toolbar along the bottom. From thark>iark>s toolbar we wark>iark>ll select the second optark>iark>on from the left, "Manual Record". See below.
<ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="628" heark>iark>ght="83" />


When you've selected manual record and the wark>iark>ndow has appeared clark>iark>ck the "All" button untark>iark>l all channels are checked. Clark>iark>ck "OK"
<ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="490" heark>iark>ght="260" />


You should now have contark>iark>nuous record on all channels ark>iark>ndark>iark>cated by a grey/black dot ark>iark>n the top rark>iark>ght of each camera wark>iark>ndow. Thark>iark>s wark>iark>ll record constantly as long as the DVR ark>iark>s turned on or untark>iark>l manual record ark>iark>s removed. ark>Iark>f at any poark>iark>nt you want to adjust the DVR to a more specark>iark>fark>iark>c recordark>iark>ng schedule you wark>iark>ll need to dark>iark>sable manual record for the schedule to take over.
<ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="269" heark>iark>ght="204" />

Tags: constant, continuous, Manual, record, setup
Last update:
2013-10-31 14:06
Alex Crewell
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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