Supported SD Cards for Use With Zmodo and Funlux IP Cameras

 The following Micro SD Cards have been successfully tested and approved for use with the Zmodo Fox Camera Series:
Brand Capacity Class (Speed) FS Format SKU No
SanDisk 16GB 4 FAT32 SDSQB-016G-AW46
PNY 16GB 10 FAT32 P-SDU16G10-GE
Generic 2GB N/A FAT16 N/A
PNY 32GB 4 FAT32 P-SD32G4-GE
SanDisk  32GB 10 FAT32 N/A
SanDisk 8GB 4 FAT32 N/A
Kingston 4GB 4 FAT32 SDC4/4GB

Tags: Fox, SD, SD Card, ZH-IXA15-WC, ZH-IXB15-WC, ZH-IXC15-WC, ZH-IXD15-WC
Last update:
2013-08-16 01:02
Alex Crewell
Average rating: 1 (1 Vote)

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