H8114, H8118
• DVRsoftware folderto upload/downloadisDVRClient_3.5.3 8100-8110
• Software Disc and Manual available at: http://files.zmodo.com/Software%20Discs%20and%20User%20Manuals/Software%20Discs/DVRs/DVR-H8118uv.zip
• Videoscanbe playedbackusingthe DVRClientsoftware,thereisno separate player software
• Videoscanbe converted byusingLVFtoAVI, whichcanbedownloaded here, http://files.zmodo.com/Software%20Files/Video%20Conversion%20Software/Lvf2Avi.exe
• Ports toforwardare 80,7777,8888
H9104, H9108, H9106, H9126

DVR software folder to upload/download is NetviewerNL- v2.1.213.0win7 9100-9200 v1
•Video conversion software is AVIGenerator
•Desktop software to install is Netviewer
•Mobile app – Zviewer, Meye, Asee, Ipcam viewer
•Ports to forward – 80, 9000, 18004
•Software Disc and User Manual: http://files.zmodo.com/Software%20Discs%20and%20User%20Manuals/Software%20Discs/DVRs/DVR-H9104uv%20purchsed%20before%202012.zip
H9104, H9108, H9116 v3 firmware
•DVR software folder to upload/download is Netviewer Video Client-Player New 9104-8V 91169216 v2
•Software Disc and User Manual available at: http://files.zmodo.com/Software%20Discs%20and%20User%20Manuals/Software%20Discs/DVRs/DVR-H9116uvdh.zip
•Video player to use is Video_Player_ENU_Watermark_V1.1.3_2011 0926
•Desktop software is called – Video_CLient_ZMODO_MLANG_ENG_V1.1.3
•Video conversion software is AVI Generator or
•Ports to forward – 80, 9000, 18004
•Mobile apps – Zviewer, Asee, Meye, IP cam viewer
H9124, H9128, SFN6
•DVR software folder to upload/download is Netviewer- Zmodo 9120v1
•Software Disc and User Manual: http://files.zmodo.com/Software%20Discs%20and%20User%20Manuals/Software%20Discs/DVRs/DVR-H9124v.zip
•Video player to playback videos – PlaybackSetup
•Desktop software is NetDvr or DVRCMS
•Video conversion is done by using the playback option in aweb browser, NetDVR, or DVRCMS, AVIGenerator will work as well
•Ports to forward – 80, 9000, 15961
•Mobile Apps – Zviewer, Meye, VMeye
•DVR software folder to upload/download is Netviewer Zmodo 9114V-9118V
•Software Disc and User Manual: http://files.zmodo.com/Software%20Discs%20and%20User%20Manuals/Software%20Discs/DVRs/ZMD-DD-SBN4_SBN8.zip
•Desktop software is NVMS
•Video Playback player is – MP4 Player in the desktopfolder
•Video conversion can be done through USB back upfrom the DVR or download and convertto.AVI using the web browser
•Ports to forward – 80, 5050, 6050, 7050
•Mobile apps – Zviewer, Meye, KMEye