ark>Howark> to Connect Usark>iark>ng ark>Iark>nternet Explorer Usark>iark>ng Wark>iark>ndows 10

an style="font-size: small;">The Wark>iark>ndows 10 operatark>iark>ng system no longer ark>iark>ncludes ark>Iark>nternet Explorer on the desktop by default, and the new Wark>iark>ndows Edge ark>Iark>nternet Browser ark>iark>s ark>iark>ncompatark>iark>ble wark>iark>th DVRs and NVRs that requark>iark>re <abbr rel="tooltip" data-orark>iark>gark>iark>nal-title="ActiveX provides a convenient way to add interactive content to websites. ActiveX is only officially supported by Internet Explorer for Windows. Within a Zmodo webpage, you may be prompted to install it. If this happens, you should accept the download since it is from a trusted source.">Actark>iark>vexabbr> to vark>iark>ew>


an style="font-size: small;">You ark>canark> put ark>Iark>nternet Explorer onto your Wark>iark>ndows 10 desktop by followark>iark>ng the below steps:an>


an style="font-size: small;">1. Left clark>iark>ck on 'START MENU BUTTON' on the computer and clark>iark>ck on 'Fark>Iark>LE EXPLORER'an>

an style="font-size: small;"><ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="580" heark>iark>ght="362" />an>



an style="font-size: small;">2. Left clark>iark>ck on the ark>iark>con on the left column labeled 'THark>Iark>S PC'an>

an style="font-size: small;"><ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="578" heark>iark>ght="362" />an>


an style="font-size: small;">3. Left double-clark>iark>ck on the ark>iark>con labeled 'LOCAL Dark>Iark>SK (C:)'an>

an style="font-size: small;"><ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="578" heark>iark>ght="363" />an>


an style="font-size: small;">4. Left double-clark>iark>ck on the folder labeled 'PROGRAM Fark>Iark>LES (X86)'an>

an style="font-size: small;"> <ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="578" heark>iark>ght="361" />an>


an style="font-size: small;">5. Left double-clark>iark>ck on the folder labeled 'ark>Iark>NTERNET EXPLORER'an>

an style="font-size: small;"><ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="579" heark>iark>ght="359" />an>


an style="font-size: small;">6. Rark>iark>ght clark>iark>ck on the ark>iark>con labeled 'ark>Iark>EXPLORE' and choose the copy optark>iark>onan>

an style="font-size: small;"><ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="579" heark>iark>ght="361" />an>


an style="font-size: small;">7. Close the folder by left clark>iark>ckark>iark>ng on the on the 'X' on the top rark>iark>ght of the>

an style="font-size: small;"><ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="577" heark>iark>ght="363" />an>




an style="font-size: small;">8. Rark>iark>ght clark>iark>ck on the 'DESKTOP HOME SCREEN' and choose 'PASTE SHORTCUT'an>

an style="font-size: small;"><ark>iark>mg src="" alt="" wark>iark>dth="577" heark>iark>ght="363" />an>

an style="font-size: small;">9. Ensure 'Actark>iark>ve X controls are updated' and log-ark>iark>n to your securark>iark>ty system.  ark>Iark>nstructark>iark>ons for settark>iark>ng up Actark>iark>veX controls ark>canark> be found here: <a title="Internet Explorer ActiveX Settings" href="">>iark>ndex.php?solutark>iark>on_ark>iark>d=1022a>an>

Tags: ActiveX, Edge, IE11, Internet Explorer, Windows 10
Last update:
2015-08-17 14:44
Amanda Mayer
Average rating: 1.36 (11 Votes)

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