View 16 Channels Remotely with the ZMD-DR-SFN6

View 16 Channels Remotely
Firmware Update
Warning do not use this if you are running on a Mac! This firmware will make the DVR no longer work with your Apple Computer!
  1. Open the folder containing the downloated SFN6-Firmware-Update
  2. Right click on the SFN6-Firmware-Update folder and select Extract All
  3. Select, Browse, Desktop, Make New Folder
  4. Name the folder SFN6-Firmware-Update, select OK
  5. Select Extract
  6. Open the SFN6-Firmware-Update folder on the desktop
  7. Copy the three files onto an empty USB drive
  8. Power OFF the ZMD-DR-SFN6
  9. Plug the USB drive ino one of the two USB ports on the front panel of the ZMD-DR-SFN6
  10. Power ON the ZMD-DR-SFN6
  11. The ZMD-DR-SFN6 will update, do NOT unplug the USB drive or power off the DVR
  12. Open the folder containing the downloated ActiveX Reset Script
  13. Select, Browse, Desktop, Make New Folder
  14. Name the folder ActiveX Reset Script, select OK
  15. Select Extract
  16. Open the ActiveX Reset Script folder on the desktop
  17. Right Click on Erase_IE_Control_V0.2 and select Run as administrator
  18. When prompted press any key and wait for the scan to finish
  19. Open IE, Firefox, or Chrome and log into the DVR

After the firmware update, in order to view from the desktop application again, you will need to uninstall the old version of NetDVR and install the version located here:


Last update:
2013-08-26 17:40
Patricia Pyle
Average rating: 2 (3 Votes)

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