DVR-H9004V, DVR-H9008V, DVR-H9006UVD-BK, DVR-H9006UVD-SV Alarm

DVR-H9004V, DVR-H9008V, DVR-H9006UVD-BK, DVR-H9006UVD-SV Turning off the Alarm


By default, the DVR is set to beep when there is no hard disk drive (HDD) detected and when there is video loss. Clients who buy this series of DVR without a hard drive will need to disable the Alarm by them-self.



In order to turn the alarm off, you will need to access the Main Menu, and go to the Device menu. In the Device menu, select, Alarm Config, and set the Buzzer Duration to OFF.

Tags: Alarm
Last update:
2013-08-15 22:22
Alex Crewell
Average rating: 1 (1 Vote)

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