PTZ Camera settings



PTZ Camera settings

Connecting the Camera(s)


All settings are Protocol pelco D and Baudrate 2400.

Camera 1

Turn on switch 1 and 10 all others off

Camera 2

Turn on switch 2 and 10 all others off

Camera 3

Turn on switch 1, 2 and 10 all others off

Camera 4

Turn on switch 3 and 10 all others off

Camera 5

Turn on switch 1, 3 and 10 all others off

Camera 6

Turn on switch 2, 3 and 10 all others off

Camera 7

Turn on switch 1, 2, 3 and 10 all others off

Camera 8

Turn on switch 4 and 10 all others off



All settings are Protocol pelco D and Baudrate 2400.

Camera 1

Turn on switch 1 all others off

Camera 2

Turn on switch 2 all others off

Camera 3

Turn on switch 1 and 2 all others off

Camera 4

Turn on switch 3 all others off

Camera 5

Turn on switch 1 and 3 all others off

Camera 6

Turn on switch 2 and 3 all others off

Camera 7

Turn on switch 1, 2 and 3 all others off

Camera 8

Turn on switch 4 all others off



If the smaller row of 4 dipswitches are all down then the settings are Protocol pelco D and Baudrate 2400. The only thing you are going to change is the larger row of 8 dipswitches to change the address.

Camera 1

Turn on switch 1 all others off

Camera 2

Turn on switch 2 all others off

Camera 3

Turn on switch 1 and 2 all others off

Camera 4

Turn on switch 3 all others off

Camera 5

Turn on switch 1 and 3 all others off

Camera 6

Turn on switch 2 and 3 all others off

Camera 7

Turn on switch 1, 2 and 3 all others off

Camera 8

Turn on switch 4 all others off



If the smaller row of 4 dipswitches are all down then the settings are Protocol pelco D and Baudrate 2400. The only thing you are going to change is the larger row of 8 dipswitches to change the address.

Camera 1

Turn on switch 1 all others off

Camera 2

Turn on switch 2 all others off

Camera 3

Turn on switch 1 and 2 all others off

Camera 4

Turn on switch 3 all others off

Camera 5

Turn on switch 1 and 3 all others off

Camera 6

Turn on switch 2 and 3 all others off

Camera 7

Turn on switch 1, 2 and 3 all others off

Camera 8

Turn on switch 4 all others off

Tags: control, PTZ, setup
Last update:
2013-08-20 19:35
Alex Crewell
Average rating: 3 (2 Votes)

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