How to Decide What Cables To Buy



Currently, Zmodo carries three basic types of cables. These cables offer the functionality of transferring a power signal, video signal, and audio signal to and from the cameras.


The number associated to each cable type indicated its thickness. (30AWG, 24AWG, etc) The larger the number, the thinner the cable is. Thicker cable will provide a stronger and more consistent signal transfer. Thicker cables can also be strung for longer distances than thinner cable.




30AWG Cable (SKU: W-VP1018)

30AWG cable is only recommended for cameras that have either a CMOS motherboard or a simple CCD motherboard. Vari-Focal cameras, PTZ cameras, and long range cameras require more voltage and amperage than the 30AWG cable is able to transmit.

For this reason, Zmodo does not sell the 30AWG cable for individual sale. The 30AWG cable is only sold in complete kits that include cameras with either a CMOS motherboard or a simple CCD motherboard.


24AWG Cable & 22AWG Cable (SKU: W-VP10** & W-VP20**)


24AWG Cable & 22AWG Cable may be used with either CMOS cameras or CCD cameras.


A cable SKU beginning in W-VP10** indicates a 24AWG cable, with the exception of the W-VP1018 which is a 30AWG cable


A cable SKU beginning in W-VP20** indicates a 22AWG cable.


It is not recommended to use a 24AWG cable at a longer length than 100 feet in length. It is not recommended to use a 22AWG cable at a longer length than 165 feet in length.


Power + Video + Audio Cable (SKU: W-VPA20**)


A cable SKU beginning in W-VPA20** indicates a cable that can transmit a power signal, video signal, and an audio signal all at the same time.


All Power + Video + Audio cables are 22AWG.


All Power + Video + Audio cables may be used with either CMOS cameras or CCD cameras.




Tags: basic, cable, setup
Last update:
2013-08-20 23:21
Alex Crewell
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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