The Mouse and the Buttons on the Front of the DVR Are Not Working

You need to change the video output mode, this is an easy settings adjustment.


1. Please hold the Rewind button on the front of the DVR for 7 seconds.

a. If it doesn’t beep, please hold the 0 button on your remote control for 5 seconds, or the display button on the DVR if you have a 9106 series.

2. Once the DVR beeps, you should have menu access again.

3. Go to the Main Menu

a. Go to System

b. Go to A/V Setup

4. Where it says Output Device or OSD or Video Output, change it from AUTO to VGA.

5. Hit Apply at the bottom of the page.

6. Exit out of all of the menus and you should no longer experience this issue.

Tags: buttons, control, frozen, mouse, responsive
Last update:
2013-10-28 11:28
Alex Crewell
Average rating: 5 (3 Votes)

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