What Are the Internet requirements?

Minimum Upload Speed for accessing any Zmodo product remotely is 1.5Mbps 

Maximum Latency for accessing any Zmodo product remotely is 100ms


NVRs cannot be connected to a switch (Routers only)


For wireless devices:

You must use a 2.4Ghz wireless network.

The signal strength must stay at or better than -60dBM during a 20 second test. 

Zmodo does not support or assist in the setup of wireless cameras in a LAN only network environment.




Zmodo does not support or assist in the setup of a DVR/NVR/Camera to be viewed over satellite internet.

Zmodo does not support or assist in the setup of a DVR/NVR/Camera to be viewed using a cellular hotspot or similar device providing internet through a cell tower.

No matter what your source of internet is, you will always be able to view an analog DVR over a computer at the SAME LOCATION assuming both the computer and DVR are connected to the same router


Tags: internet, network, satellite, setup
Last update:
2017-01-11 14:31
Alex Crewell
Average rating: 2.86 (14 Votes)

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