June 2014 Firmware for DT-SCN4 & DT-SCN8

If your DVR resembles this exact DVR, then the firmware below is compatible with your DVR unit. Do not use this firmware with any other DVR unit, as it will damage the DVR.



The June 2014 firmware update for DT-SCN4 and DT-SCN8 improves settings stability and supports email alerts with snapshot.


In order to update firmware to your DT-SCN4 or DT-SCN8, please save the attachment that is attached to this article to a USB flash drive.  The attachment must e the only item by itself on the USB flash drive, the attachment must also not be in a folder.  Lastly, the attachment must be named "HY_LSX_MBD6304T_V4.02.R11.20140606" in your USB flash drive.


Once you have the HY_LSX_MBD6304T_V4.02.R11.20140606 file saved to a USB flash drive, insert that USB flash drive into an open USB port on the DVR unit.

When the USB drive is insterted into the DVR unit, please go to Main Menu > System > Upgrade.

From this menu, select "Upgrade" and do not power off the DVR until the update is completely finished loading.  The DVR will reboot at least one time during the update process.

Tags: firmware, SCN4, SCN8, update
Last update:
2014-10-24 13:53
Amanda Mayer
Average rating: 1.77 (13 Votes)

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